Here to help!

  • 12 February 2024
  • 63 replies

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👋 Hello ManyChat Community!

I'm Gustavo Boregio, and here's a snapshot of my journey with ManyChat:

  • 🚀 Since 2017: A dedicated enthusiast and innovator in the world of ManyChat.
  • 🤖 Bot Expert: Crafted hundreds of bots with a flair for complex APIs and integrations.
  • 🎓 Educator: Educated over 2500 students, sharing my passion and knowledge.
  • 🌟 Original ManyChat Educator: One of the first to be certified when the program launched.
  • 🏆 Certified Agency Pioneer: Among the elite first 13 agencies recognized by ManyChat.
  • 🎤 Conferences & Case Studies: Presented at Conversations Conferences with several published case studies.
  • 💡 Here to Help: Eager to share insights, solve challenges, and learn together.

Let's dive into the world of advanced ManyChat automations and grow as a community! 🌱

You can find me at:

Talk soon!

63 replies



I am a musician running Instagram ads,  directing people to listen to the songs on Spotify/Apple Music. I recently discovered ManyChat, and want to automate messages to anyone who clicks the link / interacts with the existing ads I am running. I have been trying to figure out how to get the automated messages to send to anyone who interacts with the existing ads, but I am having a lot of trouble - it seems like ManyChat only allows me to create new ads, and cannot send messages triggered by these already existing ads? But that cannot be true lol, would really appreciate your help!

Userlevel 6
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I am a musician running Instagram ads,  directing people to listen to the songs on Spotify/Apple Music. I recently discovered ManyChat, and want to automate messages to anyone who clicks the link / interacts with the existing ads I am running. I have been trying to figure out how to get the automated messages to send to anyone who interacts with the existing ads, but I am having a lot of trouble - it seems like ManyChat only allows me to create new ads, and cannot send messages triggered by these already existing ads? But that cannot be true lol, would really appreciate your help!

Hey @joey these are due to restrictions on how Meta works also.

And yes, it’s limited right now to new ads unfortunately:


Hi, my Facebook account has been blocked, and I can't log in to ManyChat. I tried creating a new account, but I can't link it to Instagram because I'm still logged in to the blocked one. I can't log out of ManyChat or approve the request I sent from the other account.

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Hey @marek you’ll need to talk to support. or

They should be able to help you.

Hi Gustavo,


I have a question regarding connecting manychat with an openai assistant that I created. Do you know how I can connect to the specific assistant directly with manychat?


I know I can use my API Key from OpenAI to connect with chatgpt using manychat but this does not connect directly to my assistant. I need it to connect to the specific assistant as we have a number of different files uploaded to the assistant and are leveraging the retrieval feature. 


This is for a client project that I’m working on so it would be great to get your help on this and how I can connect directly to the required openai asssistant.




Userlevel 6
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Hey @Apex Studios yes, there’s a bunch of logic necessary to connect Assistants to Manychat, it’s not as simple as connecting normal OpenAI/ChatGPT.

I’ve a tested template ready to go that I sell. With it you can install and have your Assistant running in Manychat in less than 5 minutes.

If you’re interested, feel free to book a quick call with me here: and I’ll walk you through it.

Great thanks, I’ve the call booked in :)

Guys, we have a problem!We register and activate the automation flow. Everything is fine, automation published. However, when we leave a comment on the Instagram post, we do not receive automation. Nothing happens. We've seen videos and everything, but without any feedback. Apparently everything we saw is right in the settings. can you help me?
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@MARCELA RABELO there are issues with comments right now:

Userlevel 1

Olá, não consigo cancelar a inscrição dos meus contatos. Quando coloco essa opção nunca atualiza, os contatos permanecem lá. Atualizei para a versão pro mas mesmo assim não consigo. Pode me ajudar? E o que acontece quando eu coloco para excluir o contato? isso significa que a pessoa não poderá interagir mais com o meu perfil ?

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Em Contacts, você pode selecionar os que você quiser deletar, e aí em Bulk Actions tem a opção para deletar ;)

Userlevel 1


Em Contacts, você pode selecionar os que você quiser deletar, e aí em Bulk Actions tem a opção para deletar ;)

sim, mas o que acontece se eu colocar essa opção? Qual a diferença de “cancelar inscrição da conta” e “excluir contato”?

Userlevel 6
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Cancelar inscrição = não pode mais mandar mensagens.

Excluir = deletar toda a informação do usuario

Hi Gustavo!

Could you help me with the automation problem? I created one in a template that is triggered by a word in the comment to a reel and gave 3 variations of the trigger word so that capital letters do not become a problem in a chatbot starting process. However, my automation works only in 20% of the time. In other times it just does not work even though the word in the comments is written same as it is written in the trigger words section

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Hey @Nikonila I’d have to see it in detail to have a better idea.

Have you talked to support about this?

If you’re having too many issues and need personalized help, I can offer consulting calls for you.

Let me know and good luck!

Hello Gustavo.

How are you? Firstly, I would like to thank you for being able to help with support.

I want to use the manychat tool, mainly to use the integration with WhatsApp.

However, watching some videos, some doubts arose.

- From what I've seen, the trigger to start a new message flow is always through the use of keywords. However, I would like the flow to start upon confirmation of filling out a form. Is there that possibility? It should also be said that I have a trademark registration office, and this form would contain two options: "I just want to know if the trademark is available for registration" and "If it is available, I want to register it". I would like the flow initiated by WhatsApp to only happen if the form is filled out and the condition "I just want to know if the brand is available for registration" is marked by the user. It is possible?

- Furthermore, I saw in some videos that there is a limit on the number of messages that can be used in the WhatsApp stream, because if the message stream is too large, Manychat can "drop" the phone number. Is this true?

Thank you very much until then!

Userlevel 6
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  1. Yes, totally possible. You have to integrate your form with Manychat using Make/Zapier for example. I’ve done this several times for my clients.
  2. There’s a limit on the length of the message, and if you’re not verified you can send up to 250 business-initiated messages per day. Those are the 2 limits I know of, and I’ve never seen numbers being ‘dropped’.

Thank you very much for your quick responses.

Well, I also found this message limit strange to avoid being considered spam and thus having the number suspended.

Regarding the forms being the trigger, is there a way for them to be the trigger for starting the message flow only if the conditional ""I just want to know if the brand is available for registration" is filled in?

Userlevel 6
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Yes, of course, you can setup this filter in Make or Zapier (whichever you’re using to integrate your form to Manychat)

Hello Gustavo!

I have a client interested in my openAI connection with ManyChat and Insta. I’d like to add their Facebook/Insta onto my ManyChat account because I dont want to give the template away. Is there a way to add a second Facebook/Insta to my current ManyChat account that already has mine in it? 

I’ve just tried doing this and it doesnt work (I set up a new dummy Insta/Face business page etc). So maybe you have some work arounds?

Userlevel 6
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Not possible @Henryk , one Manychat account = 1 FB/Insta page.

Not possible @Henryk , one Manychat account = 1 FB/Insta page.

Thanks for the prompt reply!

Would it be possible for them to add my facebook profile onto their Facebook biz page and then I login or add another FB page on my MC? 

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Yes @Henryk 

Make sure you have Admin access everywhere to avoid issues ;)

Hi there! I’m having a huge issue right now. I have had many chats since October and everything has worked perfectly. I have it set up where I post and create a new automation every time. I link each one to a specific post and have it set up for specific words and automated responses in comments and the link sent in DMS. 

Yesterday everything worked perfect. Today I posted as usual and I always do a link test from another page. It didn't send a comment or a link in messages. 


I refreshed permissions for instagram. I then noticed my Facebook business account was not linked. I was logged into my personal Facebook account on my computer. I connected it again and refreshed permissions again, Still not working. Also, every time I go to my instagram in my browser it is not responding. I have tried to refresh the page, restart the computer and nothing. Please. help if you can. I have a large following and cannot keep up with all of the link requests. TIA

@Gustavo Boregio I am having the same issue as the user above and I’ve tried everything to enable new automations and it’s not working. Is Manychat having issues with Instagram? What can I do? Thank you.
