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I have a account in Manychat where I connect a page called "Desko". Lets say I invite two of my office colleagues to handle the live chat inquiries. I created account ion manychat using my Personal FB login credentials where my FB account has access to 5 different client pages (one among them is Desko)

Now my question is,
1) Will my team mates whom I have invited (role: Admin, owner) to Manychat be able to see the incoming messages to the other 4 FB pages associated with my personal FB account (I have not connected those pages to Manychat yet)?

2) Can any of my team mates (whose role is Admin/owner) can see any option to connect Manychat with the other 4 FB pages (associated with my personal FB account. But my team mates are not associated with those 4 FB Pages)?

3) The "Contact" section in Manychat will only have the people who have interacted with "Desko" alone right? And does not have anyone from the other 4 FB pages. Am I right?

Kindly clarify as its very confusing to move ahead.


  1. No, they’ll see only messages from the page connected to Manychat
  2. No, they cannot see the options to connect your pages.
  3. Yes, only people who interact with this specific page

Hope this helps!
