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Adding a follow up dm to a flow

  • 19 June 2024
  • 1 reply

Hey brains trust!

I'm trying to add a follow up dm after someone's asked for my freebie.

I'm just not sure if the steps are connected, there is no arrow in between the first message and the smart delay action  and i'm not sure if i'm meant to link them somehow?

See screenshot below of the flow I created - Appreciate any help!!!


This won't work, there's no connection between the first message and the delay.

The first ‘comment reply’ cannot have a follow up. What you need to do is to get them to interact first, and then do the follow up from the 2nd message.

So change your first message, instead of giving them the link straight away say ‘click to get it’, and once they click send a second message with the link.

Connect the smart delay to that 2nd message that you created.

Lastly, the smart delay has to be less than 24 hours or else Instagram will block it. I suggest you make it 24 hours tops.

This is because there’s a 24 hours rule, and you can only message your contacts up to 24 hours after their last interaction.

Hope this helps ;)
