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Hey there,

I'm quite surprised to see that ManyChat and Agorapulse are not compatible. Especially since Manychat promotes Agorapluse on one of its blogs. 

On the help page for messaging routing or conversation routing, there are suggestions that you can set another application as a secondary receiver.


However, on exploring this forum, it's clear based on many comments and feedback from customer services it's not possible to have two external applications managing messages. And if you do want to, you have to set up some kind of complex integration that passes messages from ManyChat back to the other application, which sounds really cumbersome.


Is there anyone who uses Agorapulse and ManyChat successfully? If we have set ManyChat as a primary routing messaging application, all the automations work perfectly and there aren't any issues, but Agorapulse direct messages stop working and you get error messages on that system.

If you switch it to Agorapulse, then ManyChat breaks and all the automations break on that side. It seems you can't use both at the same time for managing messages.

Are there any solutions?

Are there any ways in which anyone else has come up with something that would be really useful? Thank you.


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