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Dear ManyChat Community,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to report an issue I encountered while attempting to create a subscriber through the ManyChat API. Upon submitting the request, I received the following error 400 message: "To create a subscriber you must fill in at least one field: Phone or Email or WaId."

It appears that the API request to create a subscriber is failing due to a missing required field. According to the error message, at least one of the following fields must be provided: Phone, Email, or WaId.

However, I have ensured that the request includes all necessary fields and their corresponding values. Despite this, the error persists, and I am unable to create subscribers via the API.

Could you please assist me in resolving this issue? I have reviewed the documentation thoroughly and believe that the request is correctly formatted. It would be greatly appreciated if you could investigate the matter further and provide guidance on how to proceed.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance.


Filipe Covas

Hey Filipe! What body did you sent in the API request? 

You need to change the JSON body with what you want to send, not just use the default text that ManyChat adds on swagger.

For example, if I wanted to add a new WHATSAPP subscriber, I’d use something like this:

"first_name": "Gustavo",
"last_name": "Boregio",
"whatsapp_phone": "+59898444222",
"consent_phrase": "I agree"


You’re using the default body that ManyChat has as an example, without a proper phone, email or WhatsApp number, so that’s why you’re getting the error.


You need to change the JSON body with what you want to send, not just use the default text that ManyChat adds on swagger.

For example, if I wanted to add a new WHATSAPP subscriber, I’d use something like this:

"first_name": "Gustavo",
"last_name": "Boregio",
"whatsapp_phone": "+59898444222",
"consent_phrase": "I agree"


You’re using the default body that ManyChat has as an example, without a proper phone, email or WhatsApp number, so that’s why you’re getting the error.



Hi Gustavo, 

Thanks for the answer,

But in every way it is giving the same error.

For example, I put the same body payload that you advised me and it gave the same error:

example with the body you gave me

Do you have any idea what it could be?


Filipe Covas

Hey Filipe! What body did you sent in the API request? 

Hi Joren, 

Thanks for the answer,

The last test I did was with the same body payload that Gustavo recommended in the answer below

with the same body payload that Gustavo gave me

Do you have any idea what it could be?


Filipe Covas

You’re right, that’s a bug that needs reporting (it worked before!). You should contact support and open a ticket.

For now, I’ve tested adding an email/phone and it worked fine. I suggest using this workaround until the bug is fixed.


You’re right, that’s a bug that needs reporting (it worked before!). You should contact support and open a ticket.

For now, I’ve tested adding an email/phone and it worked fine. I suggest using this workaround until the bug is fixed.


I tested it now by adding the same payload with email/phone and it gave the same error.

It seems unstable to me, I've already opened a support ticket.

It's probably a general bug.



Did you find a solution to this problem? I am going through something similar. Where the JSON structure most of the time is not sending the value that is stored in the variable (CUF)

Hi, you 

arrived at a solution, 
I'm going through the same problem



    "status": "error",

    "message": "Validation error",

    "details": {

        "messages": {

            "phone_number": {


                    "To create a subscriber you must fill in at least one field: Phone or Email or WaId"






Hey everybody,

I tested this a few days ago, and I realized that this error comes up if you try to create a user, but you do not have the channel enabled on the account.

For example, if you try to create a WhatsApp user, but the WhatsApp channel is not enabled.

Make sure that the channels you’re trying to add through the API are channels that are enabled on the Manychat account. This sorted out the issues for me.

Hope this helps!
