
Auto Reply to Group posts on Facebook

  • 15 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Manychat works great on our Facebook page replying to people and sending private messages.  However, we have some very large groups, which we are the admins, and we want to share the post in those groups.  When we do, the Manychat system breaks and doesn’t respond to any of the comments.

Am I doing something wrong?  Or is this just not possible to do?  

1 reply

Manychat works great on our Facebook page replying to people and sending private messages.  However, we have some very large groups, which we are the admins, and we want to share the post in those groups.  When we do, the Manychat system breaks and doesn’t respond to any of the comments.

Am I doing something wrong?  Or is this just not possible to do?  

Did you ever resolved this issue?
