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Hello! I have a question regarding one of my flows. It was working perfectly, but all of the sudden now the automation stops once I open and manually write on the chat. People can’t use the buttons anymore. How can I fix this? It was working perfectly for 6 months and now it changed from one day to another, and I didn’t change anything. Can you please or someone help me out? Seems also there is a 30 minutes automation stop, but I rather have it on 0, how can I make it possible?

Have you tried to refresh permisions? or in some case you need to remove account and re connect

I have same problem

everything stoped working, refresh permission and disable page but nothing change

How can i refresh a permision?

Hi, folks!

Already responded here: 


But also sending here:


Unfortunately, the minimum pause is 30 minutes… 🙃


You can change it at Settings/ Live Chat Behavior/Automation pause during Conversations… but at the moment, it can only be set between 30min and 24h:


What you can do is manually resume the automation after chatting with your contact. Just click on the timer that appears on the siede panel and "Resume automations”:


I've also opened an Idea suggestion here: 

Vote for it. 😉
