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Recently, automation either fails to start or is delayed by about 30 minutes, possibly due to the Google Sheets integration. However, initial tasks like adding a tag or updating a custom field still run successfully.

Check in Settings > Logs to see if you have Google Sheet errors.

If you do, they’ll show up there.

After extensive testing, it has been determined that the issue occurs specifically with the latest version of the ManyChat mobile app.

In the latest version of the ManyChat mobile app, sending an automation from the dialog triggers an unexpected 30-minute pause. This behavior did not occur in the previous version of the app and should not be happening.

I am also experiencing extreme delays.

I’ll also add that I am using no integrations. Basic flows no triggering or delayed.

I’ll also add that I am using no integrations. Basic flows no triggering or delayed.

Is this due to the pause function?
