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I created an automation that triggers when a new contact is created or a tag is applied. However, when a new contact is created and a tag is applied, the automation does not send a WhatsApp message as expected. On the other hand, when a user sends a message on WhatsApp with a defined keyword, the automation successfully sends a WhatsApp message, as intended.






Use the ‘sendFlow’ instead of adding the tag to the user. Rules do not trigger from automation changes.

Hello @Gustavo Boregio, thank you very much for your answer.I also have a question about this because we have the same problem.We want to send Leads a message in Whatsapp after they have registered via a landing page, i.e. we have to send the first message.We use the API to create a contact.Unfortunately, the procedure you described above with “Send Flow” doesn’t work if we do this in exactly does the first step in automation need to be and how would you implement this scenario?
Is it possible for you to solve this problem for us for a fee?Best Regards, Philipp

Hey @Philipp I see that you have a call booked, so I’ll walk you through on exactly how to do set this up.

In summary, you need to use Manychat’s API and the HTTP app, not Make’s native Manychat modules. And you need to make sure that you send a message template since this will be a business-initiated conversation.

I’ll show you exactly how to accomplish this in a bit on our call ;)

Talk soon!


I need help too

Are there any videos explaining this ?

Hey @Yomna I don’t have a video, but happy to help you through a call.

You can book them here:
