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Hi! We have been using Manychat for about a month now and it did not have any problems. Yesterday, there was suddenly an issue where we cannot set up any automations where someone would comment on a specific post with a trigger word and we could send an automated reply and DM. Attached are some screenshots about this issue! If anyone could help that would be amazing, we have already tried contacting support...



Hi, you said about a month.. does this means your not on trial anymore? 

did you tried to refresh permissions for instagram?

We have already paid for Manychat already so we are no longer on a trial! Also, the other automations are still working it is just not possible to create a new one. We already tried refreshing permissions for instagram as well...

What I would do is try different browser and / or clear cookies and stuff. logout and in again. I’m also assuming you’re the admin or creator in the Manychat account   

I could connect with you on a call if you need help 

We have already tried that unfortunately… If anyone else has encountered similar issues we’d love to know how it got solved. The error is 403 forbidden.


sorry about that.. if you want, maybe we can connect on a call and you can share your screen, so we can go through some things together. let me know


This is the first flow you’re having problems, right? Also the first post you sponsor?


having the same problem, did you resolve this issue???

