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I’m still having a problem with my Instagram automations.  The full message isn’t showing when a button in involved. Yes I can add a link into the main body of the text, but it takes away from the character count and then I’m limited in what I can write in the main message. Also I need to be able to offer 2 different link buttons, one to my free guide and the other to the course or digital product I’m selling.  I had a whole system going where people could choose between 2-3 options and once chosen another message was prompted, then another. Not all of us can just add one website link. Now what do we do???

@Allison Doyle It’s a meta bug and only workaround worked for us is this.

If you wanna use multiple buttons do this.

1: When someone comments send a message saying “Click the button below and I’ll send a link - something like that - as it’s short - it won’t cutdown
2: Add a button saying “Tap here for link” 
3: When someone tap on that button, send the usual message you were using as a first step with multiple buttons.
