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Hello everyone, my automations have stopped working. The links don't work, and now no messages, neither the welcome message nor the default reply message, are functioning. I've tried deleting the conversation and restarting, but nothing works. I've refreshed permissions 10 times and disconnected/reconnected the page twice, and nothing changes.

Olá a todos, minhas automações pararam de funcionar. Os links não funcionam e agora nenhuma mensagem, nem a mensagem de boas-vindas nem a mensagem de resposta padrão, estão funcionando. Tentei deletar a conversa e reiniciar, mas nada funciona. Eu atualizei as permissões 10 vezes e desconectei / reconectei a página duas vezes, e nada muda.

I'm also having problems, but in my case the contacts aren't even created within manychat when the contact comes via an Instagram ad and sends a message. Is this your problem too? Contacts are not being created?
