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Hi - I have an account set up to send an invitation to our broadcast list on a timer set to go out 23 hours after the last interaction with a contact.

The invitation is being sent correctly initially with the message inviting them join and then the follow up button where they can actually opt in.  You can see that in this photo:




But then,  about an hour later it sends the initial message again, but without the follow up opt in message.  See below:



This has been happening for several days on multiple conversations so far.

Obviously we don’t want it sending that first message twice - and especially not without an option to actually sign up 😅

Any ideas on why it’s doing this?

Check the Date/Time based trigger that is showing on the Live Chat (the rule that is being triggered).

You disable that rule and you should be good to go (or add a filter with tags* conditions so that the message isn’t sending twice)
