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I am trying to connect my whatsapp to an openai assistant as a chatbot to converse with using custom knowledgebase. But the problem is in the POSt requests are not working with me. After i save the conversation thread and the user responses in their variables, I try to send it via post request in json format to my application url, but i get this error: 

<!doctype html><html lang=en><title>500 Internal Server Error</title><h1>Internal Server Error</h1><p>The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there is an error in the application.</p>

You need multiple post requests to work with an Assistant…

What exactly are you doing, and how is this error being generated?

If you're getting this from a request from, then it's an error with OpenAI and either they have an issue they need to fix, or you're sending your request wrong and breaking their server (unlikely, but technically possible).

Here's a list of their error codes:

For 500 errors their instructions are to contact them and to check general outages here:

I am trying to make a custom whatsapp chatbot, so i am sending JSON and this is how it shows it{    "thread_id": "{{cuf_11351767}}",    "message": "{{cuf_11351769}}"}

@Arekyosama it's happen because you need first to do some trigger on your Automation. If it is an Whatsapp Automation, you need to send at least a "hello" . And don't to forget to send your changes to LIVE prod before. 

@Arekyosama it's happen because you need first to do some trigger on your Automation. If it is an Whatsapp Automation, you need to send at least a "hello" . And don't to forget to send your changes to LIVE prod before. 

Thank you for your reply. Yes I did send trigger messages.

It doesn't work.

You need fix the main problem first then . The issue is in your main trigger , not in this params then ! 
