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When you create a phone number box on instagram automation by default is set to create a +1 code (US) does anyone knows how to change that? or how can i manually change the phone number of contacts

This is something that Manychat should change, the option to change the default country code, but as usual they don´t care. The only way to change the phone number of a contact is using the app, you have to select the contact and then click to edit the phone number and change the country code that you desire.

It's a pain in the ass in all the senses, you can't use the desktop and can´t define the default country code. I'm searching for an alternative to Manychat and will leave soon if Manychat continues ignoring its costumers.



When you create a phone number box on instagram automation by default is set to create a +1 code (US) does anyone knows how to change that? or how can i manually change the phone number of contacts

can u please show me ur real example 

cause i just check and i simply dont even have default +code 
