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Got chatgpt linked up, I want to have a prompt where it just doesn’t reply to the user if it doesn’t know the answer to the question. I have played around with prompts without success.

is it possible or do I need to come up with a prompt reply if it doesn’t know the answer to the question.

if It is not possible to just not reply to the user is there an easy way if it doesn’t know the answer to the question I can move it to a new part of the flow

Hey, ​@ben ai 

You can add to your prompt something like this: “If the user asks you something that you don’t know, answer only this: “I’m sorry, but I’m not be able to help you with that. Please try another question””


With this phrase, your prompt should work.


Let me know if that helped 🫡

@rodrigo_silvano yeah thanks I had similar success with that btu I am trying to make it seem as natural as possible and a reply like that would look like it is AI if that makes sense so would rather not reply at all? is it not possible?


can I trigger a new flow if ai doesn't know answer so I can send a voicenote?

@ben ai yes you can.

You can set your prompt to: “If the user asks you something that you don’t know, answer only this: NO”.

After the ChatGPT block, you can have a condition block that says: If the answer is NO → Follow this flow.

would the user receive the reply NO? 

there wouldn't be a way where they dont receive any message back? I could maybe try do an emoji or something?

@ben ai you can add a condition after the AI, and on the condition you check if the response is equal to a specific value.

For example, you could ask it to:

“If you don’t know the answer, reply with exactly ===DO NOT KNOW===”

You store the value “===DO NOT KNOW===” to the response, and then use the condition to direct the flow to wherever you want.

The user doesn’t ever need to see this response if you don’t configure it.

@ben ai if you want to have a good customer experience, if the user asks a question, he/she hope to receive a response. 

It’s up to you what kind of response would you like to send. An emoji, a voice note or a pre-made answer.


I made a prompt that says: If the answer is “NO” you can’t answer the question and send any information. It worked.


where did I go wrong I made a custom user field called AI DONT KNOW I write in the prompt If you are asked a question you do not know the answer condition is "DONT KNOW" 

do I just need to have a stronger prompt?


Hey, ​@ben ai 

How are you managing the ChatGPT request?

In the “Save result to” section, which variable are you using? Is it “AI DON’T KNOW”?

  • If you are using that variable, it means the automation should work, but you need a stronger prompt.
  • If you are not using it, you should change the variable to “AI DON’T KNOW” in the “ChatGPT response” section.


