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I have a lot of triggers that CONTAINS the same start, but they go to various automations, and when someone sends one of the keywords, it do not identify the whole word but just the start of it. let me show an example.

If the user send the keyword “EP98”, and i have a trgger set to “EP9”, the automation that will be sent to the user is going to be the one with the “EP9” trigger. But the automation that should be t=sent is the one wth the “EP98” trigger.

In DM triggers you can choose to only send an automation when the message IS a certain keyword, not when it CONTAINS the keyword. but in the post/reels comments and the story replys, i can only set it to look for massages that CONTAIN a certain keyword.

Does someone know how to make the comment coments only identifies specific word, like the DM triggers?

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