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I am currently facing one issue : 

ManyChat is not detecting my scheduled posts in the calendar for future publications on my page.

To better illustrate the issue, I’ve recorded my screen.

This is a major problem because I can't prepare my automations before the posts are published. For example, for a quiz, the idea would be that when people comment with a number between 1 and 9 under the post, it triggers a flow with the corresponding question.

Therefore, it’s crucial that all automations are ready before the post goes live.

However, due to this issue, I can’t set things up correctly in advance.

I also don’t have the option to schedule future posts directly on the Facebook page; I can only use MetaSuite for scheduling.

Even stranger, as you will see in the video, ManyChat does not detect the posts scheduled in the calendar, but it does detect the posts that have already been published.

film my screem :


Thanks for your help


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