
Connecting to secondary facebook page instead of main page

  • 28 February 2024
  • 18 replies

No matter ow many times I tried to change it, Many chat will only show my secondary Facebook page (which has minimal followers) and not my main Facebook profile. It's really frustrating snd means I have not been able to use Many chat at all.

18 replies

Userlevel 4

Hey, it’s probably on your facebook settings.. hit me up to connnect on a meeting and I can show you

Hello - I am having this same issue.  It has connected to an anchor page that is not used at all. It has been a struggle to get my IG and my FB to communicate since I added Many Chats. How can I move the connection from the inactive page to my active page?  


Userlevel 4

I’ve sent you both a private message with a video I recorded.

@Digitalmateus, would you send me your video as well?  


Can we connect our personal profile Facebook messenger to Many Chat? Or does it have to be our business page? 

Userlevel 4

Can we connect our personal profile Facebook messenger to Many Chat? Or does it have to be our business page? 

only business page

@Digitalmateus, could you send me your video too? I have a problem, my Facebook page appears as "connected" in the messenger channel, but this channel does not appear to use it

Userlevel 4

Sent you on private 

i dont use a FB page for business, i use my main profile thats set to professional mode- i need automation on this account- how can we not set up automation on a professional FB profile?! is there a way to convert it to a pagE?

Sorry wrong person🤦‍♀️

I’ve sent you both a private message with a video I recorded.

Would you be willing to send me your video also?  I’m having the same problem!

Thank you 😊

I’m also having similar issue, is it possible to receive this video too?

I’m having the same problem. @Digitalmateus can you please send me the video as well?

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

@Digitalmateus Send the video here on my responsibility 👊

Tenho um problema muito parecido e precisando de ajuda.
1 conta no Instagram que tem duas páginas uma pessoal e outra para negócios. A conta principal é da página pessoal. Queria vincular no Manychat a conta de negócio.
Mas mesmo estando tudo configurado não consigo associar a página do instagram que quero, só aparece a minha pessoal.

Userlevel 4

@Digitalmateus Send the video here on my responsibility 👊

This might help 



I’ve sent you both a private message with a video I recorded.

I have the same problem, please help me too
