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I am new here and planning to use Manychat from tomorrow on for my creator account on IG. About a month ago I created my free account with Manychat but am currently having neither keywords defined nor an automation set up yet. 

I just logged in and it shows me that I have 14 contacts already without even having used Manychat once...I don't get it. My private account is one of these contacts, and I am 100% sure I did not subscribe to my Manychat account or test a keyword or something as I did not even have set a keyword yet.

  1. How can that be that there are random IG accounts (some of them spam accounts, but not all) added to my contacts & community without having interacted with any of my posts (as my IG account is new and I will only be starting to post from tomorrow on)? As I am planning to go for a paid account with Manychat but as the price increases with increasing contacts, I want to make sure that I only pay for contacts who actually entered my keywords I will set and not spam accounts or other accounts which did not use my keywords...
  2.  How can I delete these contacts (and make sure only contacts are added who are actually using my keywords)?

    Thank you in advance for your help, I very much appreciate! Kate


From the time you connect IG to Manychat, any person who interacts with your IG DMs will become a contact, regardless of whether you have something setup or not.

You can delete these 14 contacts, but you need a PRO account to do it. In the free account you cannot delete contacts.

Thank you very much, Gustavo. I just started a free PRO account trial and was able to delete all the contacts. Feels good to start with a blank slate :)

Thanks again and have a good day, Kate

