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Country Code Flag

  • 3 April 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi everyone!

Does anyone know how to ask for a country code phone number using Instagram Chat Flow?

I would to like to ask users to select their flag before including their Whatsapp number so there’s no problem with formats and country codes…


Ideally, it would be:

1-Where’s your WhatsApp number from? 

Flag selection

2-What’s your number?

Input: phone number



2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I suggest you ask for the code (via a user Input or Quick Reply), and then the phone, but store the phone in a text field.

Then, use an external request to update the user via the API and add the complete phone number.

You may need to add a validation step (using or Zapier or Google Sheets) to make sure the number entered is valid.

Thanks Gustavo! 

I thought that maybe there was a country code field to get that information pretty much straightfoward.

Thanks again!
