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I’m trying to collect data prior to sending information, it’s asking me to change to ‘send as comment reply’.  When I do that, I receive this error message.  Can I not collect data when a user replies to a post? Please help!

Hey, ​@sarah555 

When you use the trigger “user comments on your post or reel” the first block should be mark as “send as comment reply” and you can’t collect any data in that block.


What you should do:

First block - A welcome message with a button or quick reply


Second block - collect user’s data


The first block activate the 24-hour rule that allows to send messages to them during 24 hours, that’s why you can’t collect any user data (well, one of the reasons).

You can read this help article about this kind of automations:

The 24-hour rule:


Let me know if this helps 🙂
