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The triggers appear as disabled, and I can't enable them without switching to PRO, but I don't have contacts and I would like to use the free version first.

I have 4 flows responding to publications and sending an automatic response and message with a link in the DM, they all work well, but I can't create number 5 because after publishing the flow the trigger is disabled.

I tried to create a new one, and I also tried to make a copy of a flow that is working, but the problem occurs in both.

Have same issue… I just have 4 flows..

Same problem. I just started a new question with the subject title “Under Contact Threshold.” Hoping for some insights. 


I have the same problem, everything was triggering fine, and about two weeks ago any new automation set up won’t trigger and prompts me to sign up for a PRO trial. Anyone have a solution yet?

Exactly the same problem, - keeps saying widget won’t work unless I upgrade. I want to test it and it says free for up to 1000. Deleted all flows and redone them several times. Checked and double checked the set-up. page is connected but still won’t work. Will try an alternative provider.

on free you can only have until 4, if I’m not mistaken

Same issue, tried to the same things. Any solution yet? 
