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I just set up my chatbot with:
- If someone sends me a DM with keywords
- If someone replies to a video/Real

For example, I put the word "hi" to send a message.
Let's say that today, he sends me a 'hi', my bot will send him a message and do the whole process. But if tomorrow he sends me a "hi", it will restart.

How can I make the loop only happen once?

Same, if he replies to one of my videos and sends me a DM afterwards, the bot will launch twice.

I would like the loop to only happen once and I can't find it.


As I have schematized here, when he has passed in TAG "OK", the loop starts again if he sends me a DM with the keywords.
I would like this action to be stopped. When he has the tag "OK" No more DMs are sent to him

Hey, ​@GsxR03 

You can add a condition block at the beginning saying “if the tag is OK - stop, if the tag isn’t OK - continue”.


Something like this:


Thank you so much 

Hey, ​@GsxR03 

You can add a condition block at the beginning saying “if the tag is OK - stop, if the tag isn’t OK - continue”.


Something like this:



I have another "problem".
I wanted to create a "bot" for anyone who comments on my real or publication. But when I set the first condition I can never validate.




Mark this message as a "Comment Reply" if you want to send it as a reply to a post or reel comment.


I don't understand because everything is set up correctly.

Hey, ​@GsxR03 

Your first message needs to be “as comment reply”. Like this:

Click on your first message block and on the top of it, you will see this 👇🏼


Regarding the other question, the button will turn green after you click on “set live” button.

