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I am trying to make it so when someone opts in for 1 free thing. I can then send them a following message the next day or whenever it may be. I know you can do it through the automation process, however I need it to be on a condition scenario. So if something happens throughout the day that  I cant set it to before I run the automation, I cant know if I am going to need to send the follow up message.

For example, I give out free sports betting picks. Someone opts in for 1 free pick, and then if the free pick hits… at the moment I have to manually go back through and send the same copy and paste message to all of the people.

If the free pick misses however, I need to send a follow up message still, but it needs to be something different than obviously if the bet won. 

Does anyone know how to do this?

Hi, @jameskneiser!

You can do something with customs fields and conditions. BUT… it can't take longer than 24h since the contact's last interaction, because of Meta's 24h window rule.


The logic is something like this:

  • Contacts gets in touch and picks his bet
  • This info is stored into a custom field
  • you set a smart delay (less than 24h)
    • Maybe 5 to 10min after you get the bet results
  • After you get the bet results, set is as another custom field value
  • Define a condition in the flow to split between those that guessed right and wrong according to your custom field value.
  • Continue you flow as needed.
