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Hi I run Facebook Ads for a restaurant , and when someone clicks on the ad, an automation will start, and a coupon will be sent to them.

Is there any way to send a follow-up message to people who didn't retrieve the coupon?

I have different stages when someone request for coupon, and when someone retrieve coupon

In my area, people don't like to share their phone numbers, so the only thing left for me is a Messenger message.

I have around 500 people who clicked on the ad, but when I go to broadcast, only 12 people in the list (1 month old campaign). or does messenger even allow us to do it?

I am assuming if broadcast shows 12 people. then if I create a sequence, it will give me similar results. Or am I wrong on this?

For Messenger broadcasts you need to use Messenger Lists. They have to explicitly subscribe to them.

Here’s some documentation to help you get started:


Thanks @Gustavo Boregio 

I do have messenger list in the automation. When I look in the contacts, and filter it with people who subscribed to messenger list, I do see 300+ members.

But when I go to broadcast, and select messenger as next steps, there are only 12 people

I am assuming if broadcast shows 12 people. then if I create a sequence, it will give me similar results. Or am I wrong on this?

A bunch of things could be happening…

  • Your messenger list may have expired for some users
  • You may have multiple messenger lists
  • You may be adding more filters on the broadcast setting

Usually if you’re methodical and set the same filters and conditions you’ll get an exact match on the audiences on Contacts and the Broadcast.
