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Hello everyone!


I need you help! I tried to automatizaton my 1 reel and i failed. you have to help me where is the problem, i got i lot message pripare and i start with trigger “User comments on your Post or Reel” and after that send message to people. but not working. only working if someone send me message but under the reel when they comment, dont working my automatization. please help where is the problem. HERE IS MY SCREEN if you can see what i got set up. 


Try this:

Right after the triggers, insert an Action with the "Instagram Opt-In”.


and then i can use send message?



and then i can use send message?



Yes, after the Opt-In you continue with the messages 😉

Yes, it works now, thank you. And how do I make it so that when someone writes a comment, it automatically sends them a message, takes them through a few questions, and at the end, just sends a message and waits? Because when they send me a message, they get the message again that they received because of the comment."

Yes, it works now, thank you. And how do I make it so that when someone writes a comment, it automatically sends them a message, takes them through a few questions, and at the end, just sends a message and waits? Because when they send me a message, they get the message again that they received because of the comment."

Use the "User coments on...” trigger and set some keywords or just set it to send a DM for every comment on the post.

but it is work already when someone do a comment under reel on instagram automaticly sent them message but there i got set up more messagebut the last is with Question and when the client answer on it the manychat take it like someone sent me First message and start sending all message from begining. 

i need to know hot to end the automatisation message like that client answer on last message and any message come to her again. but wait if i write or they send number like i wont and then will come the last message that i very glad to welcome there. an theere is a lot info hot to continue over link. but no more message from begining

but it is work already when someone do a comment under reel on instagram automaticly sent them message but there i got set up more messagebut the last is with Question and when the client answer on it the manychat take it like someone sent me First message and start sending all message from begining. 

i need to know hot to end the automatisation message like that client answer on last message and any message come to her again. but wait if i write or they send number like i wont and then will come the last message that i very glad to welcome there. an theere is a lot info hot to continue over link. but no more message from begining


If your contacts send you keywords via DM, you can set a tag at the end of your automation and include a condition at the beginning to check if the contact has this tag, continuing only if they do not have it.


However, if they only trigger the automation via Reel/Post comments, you can delete the DM trigger. This makes the automation restart only in case the contact comments on the post multiple times.

I’m not sure if we understand each other, but I mean it like in the photo I sent, where the last message was set up through ManyChat, and when it was sent, it simply opened the same message again. But I want it to just send a message like "Wait for the number verification" and not start the whole chat from the beginning again.

you see in the first picture all of my automatizations and screen of first message and the last and the screen from converastion with client whem she answer my last message and then the many chat start again write first message. 


Ow, I see…

Some users are reporting the same issue (double message sending). Maybe it's a Manuchat/Meta bug. 😓
