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Hi Team,
I am creating a feedback survey through a whatsapp chatbot. The questions would have a list of options(list menu) and the users could select only from the listed options. What is the process to extract these responses?

First u have to create custom field for every option then after every option on the list set this field to value u want. 
and then repeat process for all the options 

Hi Marcin,
Thanks for the support.

I’ve set up my flow which is similar to the below one

Please guide me on how to extract these responses

what do you mean by extract? where ?  


A csv or a gsheet. 

The below snap is the preview of the bot. As a user, I am selecting so and so options, in this case it is ‘3’. As an admin how could I know which person selected what option.


they are stored in CUF in ur contact tab 


Apologies for the delay, there has been a family emergency.

Thank you for the help!

I am now able to view the responses

 How do I export these? 

I’ve tried export psid but the file do not have any data.



easiest way is to use google sheet integration insert row and map ur response 

Thank you this worked, however while the list option is sent, there is an option for the user to provide an input using the chat, any idea if we can disable this or reroute if the user has given the wrong input.


Propably by conditions 

Hi, any idea if Multiple Choice Reply Type is not available now for user input?
