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I’m new to Many Chat and have a question… is it possible to integrate a facebook/meta conversion pixel within the chat for a user fulfilling a specific action - eg. downloading an ebook?

My goal is to drive users to chat, and then optimise towards an action in the chat without taking them to a separate website to fulfil the action.

Many thanks

Hi, @tiggertime!


In order to let your contacts download something, you have to send them to an external page.

But, before that, you can get the contacts email, phone number and other info with the Data Collection block.


All that can be send to google sheets and used to create custom publics in your Ad Manager.

Thanks for that. The issue I have is with Messenger leads tracking. I’m in Europe, and recently they have changed privacy policy laws, which means they won’t show any lead data/conversions in Ads Manager, so you’re effectilvey spending blind


The alternative is you create a conversion, and feed that back to FB. This they will allow (I know go figure?!). So I’m trying to create a ‘conversion’ of a download that I can feed into my flow and feedback to ofptimise my ads.

Any thoughts?
