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I want to create a subscriber without creating the Whatsapp contact as I won't need it.

I am entering the Phone and Email which are the data I will need, but I receive an error message requiring me to add WhatsApp.

I understand this is an API issue.


Do it like this (see code below).

For this to work you must have email configured on your Manychat account.

And make sure the has_opt_in_* fields are boolean type and true.

Also, you won’t be able to set product_id and product_name on this request. You’ll need to do a setCustomFields request after making this first request and getting the user created.

If you need help, feel free to book a call at ;)

"first_name": "Nome",
"last_name": "Sobrenome",
"phone": "+5511999991111",
"email": "",
"has_opt_in_sms": true,
"has_opt_in_email": true,
"consent_phrase": "Eu aceito"
