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Hello, what I currently need the most help with is whether it's possible to automatically send follow-up messages if a lead doesn't respond after 23 hours and 59 minutes. Attached is the current script we're using, which should remain the same without any buttons, etc., just with an automatic follow-up. Is that possible? Important: I don't want to use any buttons.

If not, what would be the minimum number of buttons that would need to be added?


Yes you can.

You can use smart delays + tags nd conditions to trigger your logic.

Or Date/Time Contact Event Triggers (the last one on the list), configured to trigger X time after the last interaction.


Thanks for the answer.

I Tried that but I dont know exactly how do to it.

Could you please show me what are the exact steps?

Thank you! :)

You have to set it up like this:



Okay thank you. Do I use ,,start another automation’’ like in this screenshot? And the create a whole new automation? Or what do I do. Maybe you could screenshot the whole Process for me please 🙂 Or could you do it for me? Paid of course


But how do I 

Hello, what I currently need the most help with is whether it's possible to automatically send follow-up messages if a lead doesn't respond after 23 hours and 59 minutes. Attached is the current script we're using, which should remain the same without any buttons, etc., just with an automatic follow-up. Is that possible? Important: I don't want to use any buttons.

If not, what would be the minimum number of buttons that would need to be added?


From my experience with ManyChat, you should be able to set up automatic follow-ups without buttons using their "Delay" feature and conditional logic. Have you tried playing around with those settings yet?
