
Glitchy as hell

  • 30 April 2024
  • 0 replies

I don’t get it. 

At first, I thought this service was GREAT. I was contemplating paying!

But then, the cracks started to appear.

Somehow I ended up with two triggers in my very simple automation (customer comments a keyword… sends a message). 

Then only one of the triggers would turn on.

If I tried to make a new automation, I couldn’t turn the trigger on (despite using NONE of the pro features here). 

So I found out I could duplicate the automation that worked, and usually that would mean I could turn on one, or the other, of the triggers. Not always the same one. Sometimes the first one. Sometimes the second one.

I duplicated my automation again today, assigning it to a different post. Changed the keyword.

Can’t turn on either of the triggers. I keep getting a warning that:

You can not activate the widget on the Free plan. Upgrade to Pro for unlimited access.

And yet… looking through the widget, everything is the same as the other times I’ve managed to miraculously turn on the trigger. 

I try the other one. Same error message.

I go and delete every single unused automation, and every single keyword, so I’m left with one keyword that I’ve used… and a new one I want to start using.

Same error.

If I try and turn on the automation from the automations screen I get the error: Set up Trigger to activate it

Well I have. But I can’t. Because apparently I’m using a pro feature, even though I’m not. I’ve selected one specific post to reply to. I have one keyword (this doesn’t have a “Pro” marker on it). ANd I have some comment replies. (This also doesn’t have a “Pro” marker on it). So where is the widget I’ve used that is a “Pro feature”???

I WOULD reach out to support to tell them the whole process is glitchy as hell but guess what else is a pro feature. 

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