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Hey guys,


Bit of a beginners question, but how can i make so the names and email align below and next to eachother in a good order. I dont know how the gaps keep coming up when info is added.


Below are the settings i chose.


Hey @Marouane each ‘Insert Row’ will insert a new row on your Google Sheet.

So if you do 2 insert rows with partial info, you’ll have 2 rows :D

The solution here is to do 1 x Insert Row, with ALL the information you want to collect and send to the Google Sheet.

Hi Gustavo,

Thanks for replying! Im getting closer but have a question.


It worked with organising the info in good order, but I dont understand the insertion of a 1x insert row.


How do get the bot to collect ALL the information in multiple text boxes and questions? Should I ask email in a seperate box, phone number again etc. But I would have to make a new action box with each question right?



Do one action with the Insert Row, at the END, when you have all the information.

@Gustavo Boregio okay I got closer!

But the last problem im encountering is that it updates and adds using older information. It looks like he remembers the previous answers I gave. So the last line is perfect but it takes 3 lines to make it correct.


Do you get it?





Trial and error. Thanks for the info sir. I just needed to find my path :)


Feels so good to make it work.

Disconnect the top 3, leave ONLY the last one


If you want all of them, you need to do:

1 x Insert Row

3 x Update Row

And you’ll need to change the structure of your data - so for now, just remove the top 3
