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need help stopping this automation when someone comments on instagram

This started happening to me yesterday and I can't find where it's coming from. Just out of nowhere he started sending it to all my followers and I didn't even use Manychat yesterday

Need this answer asap. 

I’m having the same issue and can’t figure out how to turn it off. Is there any update on the fix?

This is extremely frustrating and spammy! Please give a fix 

Seems like just some accounts have this problem…

Have you check if there's no default template or somthing like this active?
A tip is search for active triggers and see if something strange is on:


I don’t have any default templates activated or any strange active triggers.  

Same problem here, It is starting happening out of the blue… The worst thing is that My community is on Spanish, And sending this message in English  I wanna cry 


Seems like just some accounts have this problem…

Have you check if there's no default template or somthing like this active?
A tip is search for active triggers and see if something strange is on:


This solve it! I dint create that automatization.. but I had it… 


ok I just went and checked again and I did find a random trigger that was set up from months ago.  so my problem is solved now as well. 

