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I am trying to set up a flow and I would like to capture email addresses that are then automated to send to my kajabi email list. I’ve attached a screenshot of the actions I’ve added but on testing Manychat isn’t capturing the email. Any suggestions and insights would be appreciated. 


Make sure you're using the User Input configured as follows:


You shouldn't need to duplicate the email field as a custom field, you can (and probably should in most cases) use the System Field.

Once you've got that, you can add an Action step to trigger your Zap to send the info to Kajabi.

If you don't see Zapier as an option, you have to connect Manychat to Zapier before seeing the action on your Flow Builder. This should get you going:


Thank you so much, I’m not sure I’ve set triggers up correctly as I and successfully connected to zapier. 

Looks like you're connected to Zapier correctly.

If it's not working the way you want, try to put the 2 'Set User Fields' before the Zap. ManyChat executes from top to bottom, so if you need that info on the Zap you need to put it before the Zap.

If that doesn’t solve it, you need to check the user inputs and your Zap to make sure everything is configured correctly.

Ahh thank you so much I’ll give that a go! Im

so new to all this 😅
