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I got a notification that my payment for Pro didn’t go through. I need to update my credit card. I looked at the instructions which say to go Settings → Billing → Update Credentials. I went to settings and billing but there is no ‘update credentials’. All I have access to is ‘retry payment’ which simply repeats that the payment can’t be processed and recommends I update my credit card details. I’m going around in a circle. 

Now my account has reverted to ‘free’ and when I go to upgrade to Pro, it just brings me back to my Billings page and I’m stuck in the cycle of ‘retry payment’ - ‘update your payment details’ and there not being an option to do so. 

This is a really frustrating user experience. Can someone please advise me on how to update my credit card information so I can resume my Pro account.

Hi, @Brooklyn!


I've heard that it is happening to some accounts. 

You need to open a ticket to the support team at

They will be able to solve this issue 😉


Hope it helps! 🙌
