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I need to create an automation so that when someone enters through TypeForm, a WhatsApp message with a pre-made text is sent. Any idea how can I do it?

Hi, hope this helps:

you need to create a trigger with the URL (screenshot in spanish, but its easy to understand).

No spaces are allow :(


Step 1:second option: URL Whatsapp

Step 2: enter a short text (again, No spaces are allow)


Hey @DDUA you can also integrate Typeform using Zapier or Make, so you can make this process automated.

Here are the steps:

  1. New trigger in Typeform (new response) - This is sent to Zapier or Make (or other integration software)
  2. Create a new contact in Manychat with the Whatsapp number you got
  3. Send a Flow in Manychat (this flow will have the pre-approved Whatsapp template that you previously created in Manychat)

There are extra steps and details to avoid errors depending on your scenario, such as re-formatting the phone number so Manychat accepts it, checking if the subscriber already exists in Manychat and if necessary setting any custom fields from Typeform to Manychat (for example, pulling in the answers from Typeform to Manychat).

If you need help setting this up let me know. I’ve done literally dozens of integrations like this for my clients (triggering the information from Calendly, different CRMs, different forms software, etc).
