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How to create new lead / subscriber?

  • 22 February 2024
  • 5 replies

I have some doubts about how to receive data from another tool into Manychat and create a lead in it. I want to send information from a lead who registered on my website and I want to create them inside Manychat to trigger messages via WhatsApp.

I find numerous tutorials explaining how to pass information from Manychat to other places, but I can't find how to do the reverse to create this lead inside Manychat and start them in a flow, etc.

Anyone can help? I’m trying to use Make to do this.





I assume that the lead you have created from your website is now on your email list - you can send them an email with a link in the email that takes them directly to your WhatsApp flow - you can also trigger the flow from a QR code or have the link/code on your website.

Hello, Sacha! Yes, I add them to my email list, but what I want is to automatically create this lead in ManyChat without requiring a second action from the lead. That's why I mentioned using a platform like MAKE, for example, which would handle this integration, but my difficulty lies in how to take that first step.

You would have to get specific permission from that person that they are happy for you to contact them via WhatsApp for the topic that you want to contact them about - then once you have that permission you can add them automatically from a Google sheet or manually and then you can send them a message via a WhatsApp template - 

I know that, Sacha. I understand the theoretical part and appreciate your help. But what I really need to know and the purpose of this thread is about the HOW.

How do I create a new contact through a spreadsheet or through another tool INSIDE ManyChat, since the flows only allow starting through a specific action. Is there a way to create a lead via webhook? These are my doubts, they are technical questions on how to do it.

When you have the contacts on the spreadsheet you can then click the import contacts button in manychat and it will upload the new contacts from the spreadsheet.  You can then create a template and send a broadcast.  Don’t want to teach you to suck eggs but if anyone else is reading this thread it is important to know that specific permission is given as it is so easy on WhatsApp for an account to be taken down by META if the user reports spam when you send the template.  You can also import via API - see this doc -

