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How to enable Manychat to respond to "message request" in instagram

  • 12 April 2024
  • 5 replies

Hi All, 


I’ve been using ManyChat and am starting to realize there is a slight inefficiency in the products automation. Instagram does not allow you to turn off “message request” to allow all messages into your inbox. This means that for non-followers who see my content and reply to my ads or post, their message actually goes into the “Instagram Message Request Folder” vs. my inbox so the automated response created in ManyChat does not get triggered, leaving these individuals with no follow up actions. 


Has anyone found a creative way to enable ManyChat automated repsonses to work for all messages both in the inbox and request?


Many thanks for the insight! 

Hello, is there anyone at ManyChat Support who can answer this question? 


How does many chat work when non-followers see a reel, post, or ad and comment on the post. As of right now ManyChat does not automatically work when a non-follower submits a DM / Comment because it goes to a “message request” vs a direct message. 


What is the status / workaround for this?

Same question, this can be a huge problem!


this seriously needs to be addressed, whats the point if half our ad targeted audience doesnt even get a single response


I’m experiencing the same problem! I would very much like to know if there is a solution for this!

Thank you!
