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I’ve duplicated my automations so many times so I have a lot. I am trying to find the automation that I set a trigger set to “All posts or reels”


There are some posts that I don’t intend to have any triggers on but is still triggering from an old automation that I set to all posts. How do I identify which automation it is?

You can search by trigger on the ‘Automations’ tab.



@Gustavo Boregio 

That doesnt help me identify the automation that has this “All Posts and Reels” 


That is true, but it should make it a lot easier for you to find it…. It should look something like this:


You should also be able to find the ‘Opted In Through’ set for any new opt ins, so you could use that to backtrack and search for the specific flow that’s triggering.

Hope this helps ;)

@Gustavo Boregio 

It doesnt really make it easier considering all my automations are very similar so just filtering on that single dropdown doesnt really change anything. I have dozens of automations so its like finding a needle in the hay stack just going through every single one to see which automation was set to “All Posts or Reels”


Can you point me to what youre referring to for “Opted In Through”

If you go to Contacts > Select a contact, and you’ll see this option.


Going forward, I suggest working on your naming and folders structure so it becomes easier to identify automations and triggers. It’s key to have this in order when your account grows.
