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How to recontact old leads?

  • 2 July 2024
  • 2 replies

So right now I have a bunch of old leads that I want to recontact and mass DM 


I’m trying to figure out how to do so 


Does anyone know what automation to set up?

I set up an automation where it runs when a new tag is applied but when I apply a new tag to the old contacts it doesn’t send the automation through 

The short answer is: you can't DM them.

Meta has a 24 hours rule, that you may only send messages to your contacts up to 24 hours from their last interaction. So if these are old leads that haven't interacted with your IG for a while you can't DM them.

That's why the recommendation is to always have other ways to reengage with your audience - capture email, phone number, etc.

Oh alright thanks 
