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How to send WhatsApp messages via APIs

  • 10 May 2024
  • 3 replies

I need some help to send customer notifications via API. I am receiving a notification from an external service everytime our customers get paid. I would like to send customers a WhatsApp notification about payments they received, incl. the amount. 

I have done this succesfully with for Instagram notifications, but I can’t seem to make it work for WhatsApp notifications. I also tried to solve this with templates, but I can’t trigger templates from external APIs.

Does anyone know how to send a custom message to a WhatsApp contact via API?


3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +1

i need more details about that 

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

You cannot do ‘sendContent’ with business-initiated Whatsapp Messages.

The alternative is do use ‘sendFlow’ and trigger a specific flow, which has the template message setup.

If you need to add dynamic information to it, add custom fields to the template, and do a ‘setCustomFields’ before, so they have the correct values before sending the template message.

I’ve done this multiple times, so if you need help setting this up feel free to book a call at and I can help you ;)

Jumping into the conversation here if you don’t mind. 


If I want to send an audio file, would that require a flow with a custom field? 

I really need to send the audio file as an audio file, rather than a link. 
