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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a way to stop the automation after a customer replies to our bot. For example, if someone texts us and the bot sends an automatic reply, I want the bot to stop sending automatic replies if the customer texts again.

Is there a way to achieve this?

You can set a tag at the end of your automation and include a conditional at the beginning to check if the contact has this tag, continuing only if they do not have it.

Thanks for the answer! Can you show me how to do that?

Hi, @sneacaremiami!


Sure, it should look like this:

  1. Your triggers
  2. Action with an Instagram Opt-In (good practice)
  3. A Condition verifying if the contact has a Tag (CHECK_TAG in the example)
    - You have to create this tag before, so it will appear here.
    - If the contact has this tag, nothing happens, if not, the flow continues.
  4. Your messages
  5. An Action setting the Tag

