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I enjoy using your site, but I need help with something.
I just want to automatically send messages to those who comment on my posts on Instagram. I don't want to add them as contacts. As the number of contacts increases, the fee we pay every month increases and these contacts are of no use to me. I didn't even open it and look at it once. What can I do about this?
I want to use Manychat regularly by paying 15 dollars every month, but the fee increases due to contacts and I cannot renew my pro subscription because my budget is not enough. I am waiting for your help quickly.

You can do this “little trick”…

At the end of the automation, insert an action card with “Delete contact”.


But don't forget to insert an action with the "Instagram Opt-In” right after the trigger in EVERY automation you have. Otherwise those “deleted contacts” won't trigger new automations.


