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Hello, i’m trying to send an automatic message everytime i receive a DM on my IG profile but it seems there’s no option such this.
I can only select the trigger “send message” and then select a keyword that activate the trigger…?? How is possible? Thank you.


Hey, ​@oneforall 

You can use default reply to respond your clients:

Settings → Instagram channel → Default Reply


This option triggers when someone sends a message to you that your others automations doesn’t recognize the message.


More info about that here:


Let me know if that helped 🙌🏼

It works Thanks!!
Instad of showing a message with our number in text type, is it possible to insert directly at the end of the message a button that links directly to our whatup application? in this way it’s more intuitive and it raise the conversion rate (I guess...) =)
Looking forward for your reply.

Thank you

@oneforall yes you can do it!

In your message block, you can add up to 3 buttons and add a link to each button.

You can put your WhatsApp link on the button, like this:


But there’s still some thing that is not corretly working. The automation works with all the messages coming from our IG follower but for those who are not our follower, if they click the automation doesn’t send the automatic reply...any solution or option to flag here?

Obviously many thanks in advance for youu precious contact


@oneforall Are you using this trigger? 👇🏼



If you are, it only sends the first message if the person follows you. For those who doesn’t follow you, you have to go to settings → Instagram channel → Conversation Starters. There you can set a button and connect it to your automation. 

This way, if non-followers click the referral link, they have to click the button you created to start the automation.



hello i find the place ehre to link the automation but it forces me to type in… a question?? why? don’t get it…

Can you teach me step by step what to to to link the automation only withou any other text or question? thank you

@oneforall You don’t need to ask a question. You can write “Start” or somethin like that, but be aware that everyone that doesn’t follow you will see that button if they’re messaging you.
