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Hello ! 

I have set up our first automation with quite a success regarding our audience interactions.

BUT I do not understand the drop of people in my tunnel after the SMART DELAY. 

How come I have 94 people “passed” and only 26 “sent” after the SMART DELAY.

The DM sent after the SMART DELAY is the only action set up at this point . Thank you for your help !! 


 I got the same problem. Is there any solution?

Is the 2nd message being sent after more 24 hours from the last interaction?

If so, then it's being blocked.

I’m having the same issue. Almost half aren’t getting to the Smart Delay and when they do it’s saying “Passed.” 


A click on a button with a link is not an interaction.

You need an interaction after the first comment reply to make the user become a subscriber.

Change the first message to a button + follow up with a 2nd message (where you can include the link), then add the delay and the message.
