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I am using external requests. and when I test the request everything is fine. I want to do the response mapping like the document explained here:
but  I get nothing in Select Custom Field when I type in $.all_usersu0].name in JSONPath.
btw my generated response is:

{"all_users":s{"id":1,"name":"Alice"},{"id":2,"name":"Bob"}],"current_time":"2025-02-17 14:30:00"}


Would my JSONPath be wrong? or there must be another issue?

@metadana your JSON mapping is correct.

Are you testing in a real scenario or just a Preview? Previews won’t assign custom fields and do the mapping, so you need to test it in a real run.

Also, make sure you’re mapping it to a user field in your automation.

@Gustavo Boregio I can’t even save it in order to test, because it won’t suggest the custom field.


Got it, go to Settings, Fields and create a custom field first! ;)

Then you’ll be able to select it.
