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I need help with entering data via API

I built the model and it is only inserting the basic data of the person's name and WhatsApp, but not other data, and I am following the documentation.

for phone and email data it is telling me that I have access denied.

The others were not even included in the contact.

Does anyone know how to give me guidance or send me a model they use?
I'm an account admin

I need help with entering data via API

I built the model and it is only inserting the basic data of the person's name and WhatsApp, but not other data, and I am following the documentation.

for phone and email data it is telling me that I have access denied.

The others were not even included in the contact.

Does anyone know how to give me guidance or send me a model they use?
I'm an account admin


this is my code to send a data iformation 

# Configuração da conexão com a API do ManyChat
conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer 3xxxxxxxxx',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'

# Dicionário para armazenar informações do cliente
client_data = {}

def format_as_string(value):
"""Converte qualquer valor em string, formatando datas para ISO 8601."""
if isinstance(value, (, datetime.datetime)):
return value.isoformat()
elif value is None:
return 'NULL'
return str(value)

for row in results: # Ajuste para a sua estrutura de dados
print(f"Processando CPF: {format_as_string(rowt'cliente_documento'])}")

# Ajuste as linhas abaixo de acordo com sua estrutura de dados
phone = format_as_string(row.get('client_telefone'))
# Verificar se o telefone está presente e possui um formato válido
if phone:
# Remover caracteres não numéricos do número de telefone
phone = ''.join(filter(str.isdigit, phone))
# Adicionar o código de país "+55" ao número de telefone
phone = f"+55{phone}"
phone = 'NULL'

email = format_as_string(row.get('cliente_email'))
whatsapp_phone = format_as_string(f"+{row.get('cliente_ddi')}{row.get('client_telefone')}") if row.get('cliente_ddi') and row.get('client_telefone') else 'NULL'
waid = format_as_string(row.get('cliente_documento'))

custom_fields = {
"cliente_documento": waid,
"data_criacao": format_as_string(row.get('data_criacao')),
"cobrancas_realizada": format_as_string(row.get('cobrancas_realizada')),
"cliente_id": format_as_string(row.get('cliente_id')),
"status": format_as_string(row.get('status')),
"plano_nome": format_as_string(row.get('plano_nome')),
"plano_valor": format_as_string(row.get('plano_valor')),
"plano_cobrancas": format_as_string(row.get('plano_cobrancas')),
"metodo_de_pagamento": format_as_string(row.get('metodo_de_pagamento')),
"data_fim_prevista": format_as_string(row.get('data_fim_prevista')),
"Vigente": format_as_string(row.get('Vigente')),
"Fonte": format_as_string(row.get('Fonte')),
"last_package_code": format_as_string(row.get('last_package_code')),
"vnda_client_id": format_as_string(row.get('vnda_client_id')),
"ultimo_pedido": format_as_string(row.get('ultimo_pedido')),
"last_expected_delivery_date": format_as_string(row.get('last_expected_delivery_date')),
"last_order_code": format_as_string(row.get('last_order_code')),
"tracking_code_vnda": format_as_string(row.get('tracking_code_vnda')),
"url_rastreamento": format_as_string(row.get('url_rastreamento'))

payload = json.dumps({
"first_name": row.get('cliente_nome', '').split()o0] if row.get('cliente_nome') else "",
"last_name": " ".join(row.get('cliente_nome', '').split()o1:]) if row.get('cliente_nome') else "",
"phone": phone,
"email": email,
"whatsapp_phone": whatsapp_phone,
"has_opt_in_sms": True,
"has_opt_in_email": True,
"consent_phrase": "Eu concordo em receber comunicações.",
"custom_fields": custom_fields

conn.request("POST", "/fb/subscriber/createSubscriber", body=payload, headers=headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data = json.loads("utf-8"))

if response.status != 200:
print(f"Erro ao criar/atualizar assinante para CPF {row.get('cliente_documento')}: {data}")
client_data row.get('cliente_documento')] = {
"id": data 'data'] 'id'],
"phone": phone,
"email": email
print(f"Assinante criado/atualizado com sucesso para CPF {row.get('cliente_documento')}: {data}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Erro ao processar CPF {row.get('cliente_documento')}: {str(e)}")


# Feche a conexão após o processamento

# Imprimir a tabela de dados do cliente
print("\nTabela de dados do cliente:")
print("{:<15} {:<20} {:<20} {:<10}".format('CPF', 'ID ManyChat', 'Email', 'Telefone'))
for cpf, info in client_data.items():
print("{:<15} {:<20} {:<20} {:<10}".format(cpf, info1'id'], infoc'email'], info,'phone']))


You need to do 2 requests:

  1. createSubscriber > get the User ID here on the reply
  2. setCustomFields > use the User ID that you got before and set the Custom Fields

You won’t be able to do it all in one request as far as I’m aware.
