
Instagram Automations stopped working?

Userlevel 2

Are Instagram automations down for anyone else? I posted on IG Reels today like normal (I’ve been using Manychat for about 2 weeks with no issues), and today the DMs were not triggering.

Is anyone else having issues with Manychat today?

41 replies

Userlevel 2

Edit: ALL of my automations stopped working as of 20 hours ago. Nothing changed on my end with instagram or manychat, they just seemed to stop working.

OKay so I'm not the only one. Last week this happened to me. No matter what I do, I cannot get this to trigger again. 

It has just happened to me. I simply can’t activate my latest trigger. And I haven’t reached any free account limits. 



J’ai exactement le même problème! apparemment tout est bien paramétré mais le processus ne se déclenche plus!

Happening to me today - new and old automations are not delivering promised content. 😬

Même problème, je suis bloquée à 4 automatisations simples. Pour en mettre une nouvelle, je dois désactiver une autre. 

Happened to me yesterday and none of it is working – has anyone found a fix?

Userlevel 1

Its not working for me neither! It is weird becuase it sends the notification and inbox message to the user on instagram but inside the message it doesn’t show the textbox with the button. 
Its like a ghost message. 

Hope it gets fixed because it ruined my lead magnet video 😅

Userlevel 1

Has anyone figured this out yet? All of my automations stopped sending DM’s.

Same here! Automations are not working! Bummer...we pay a monthly fee for a product that doesn't work. 


I have not figured it out, but I did notice if you got to your Facebook business account. Advanced Messaging and go to the Handover option. I’m no longer able to select Manychat. It doesn’t show anything anymore. When I also go to my ads manager on Facebook it says I don’t have access. So I don’t know what's going on. Has anyone checked the Facebook handover to see if you’re also missing Manychat?


Userlevel 1

My Instagram automation has stopped working for more than 2 days now. Don’t know what to do, should I cancel my subscription? 🥲

Same here! Automations are not working! What should i do?? 

Same here! 

The following automations are no longer working for me:

  1. Auto-reply to comment on Instagram post
  2. Auto-send DM based on comment on Instagram post 
  3. Auto-respond to DM based on keyword trigger

These were all working last week and this morning, but not working atm… does anyone know why this might be the case? Are Manychat looking into this?


J’ai le même problème, je n’ai plus aucune automatisation qui fonctionne et cela fait plus de 4 jours maintenant. 
En attendant, je paye une mensualité. J’ai tout essayé, connecter, déconnecter, reconnecter le compte mais ça ne change rien, j’ai essayé de créer une nouvelle automatisation et désactiver l’ancienne et ça ne fonctionne pas non plus. 
Est-ce que quelqu’un sait comment joindre le service client (s’il y a?) ou est ce que quelqu’un a trouvé la solution à ce problème ?

Merci d’avance 

No is not automatically stop,

There's something about the apps

A quel endroit doit-on regarder s’il y a un problème ?

same here tho sometimes it is working while other times it is not.  ive made so many promises to deliver content on my post and now what do it do!!  manually go through 500 comments????  insane.

OK.  I’ve just spent the last two days thinking the problem was ME.  The preview works perfectly, yet nothing happening in the DMs or responses to comments!


Is anyone from ManyChat responding to these questions?  I just upgraded to the free trial, as yet been unable to use it??  


Sooooooooooooo frustrating !!

I'm experiencing the same issue. The auto-reply function has been down for three days now, and I've been in continuous communication with the support team. They keep asking me to perform repetitive checks, which I've done multiple times, including reconnecting everything. I'm starting to feel that spending money on this service is not worth it, especially since the subscription model requires us to pay even when the system is down. I'm not sure whether I should cancel the subscription and switch to a different system. Are you considering stopping your subscription?

Userlevel 1

I'm experiencing the same issue. The auto-reply function has been down for three days now, and I've been in continuous communication with the support team. They keep asking me to perform repetitive checks, which I've done multiple times, including reconnecting everything. I'm starting to feel that spending money on this service is not worth it, especially since the subscription model requires us to pay even when the system is down. I'm not sure whether I should cancel the subscription and switch to a different system. Are you considering stopping your subscription?

I have same issue, do you know of any other one can switch to? 

All automation has stopped, and customer service keeps asking me to try various Facebook connections and take screenshots. I have repeated this process several times, but there has been no further response from them.

I really hope the charges for these past few days should be refunded on a daily basis.

I'm experiencing the same issue. The auto-reply function has been down for three days now, and I've been in continuous communication with the support team. They keep asking me to perform repetitive checks, which I've done multiple times, including reconnecting everything. I'm starting to feel that spending money on this service is not worth it, especially since the subscription model requires us to pay even when the system is down. I'm not sure whether I should cancel the subscription and switch to a different system. Are you considering stopping your subscription?

I have same issue, do you know of any other one can switch to? 

Me too.  How did you get help fro the support team?  I cant see a chat option??  Id be grateful if you could show me, two days into a 14 day FREE??? trial… not looking f=great ATM.

Thanks in advance  x


mesmo problema aqui

Userlevel 1

Mesma situação, muita gente passando por isso! Sem solução até agora! 

@CJ EATS o seu voltou ? 
