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Instagram Comment replies always stating Get Updates vs sharing a link

  • 28 February 2024
  • 6 replies

Hi there, so i’m new to manychat and I set up an automation that if a user states a word, we send them this DM.

But the problem is it’s not sending them the link, it just says get updates and that does nothing.

What is going on here?

This is causing some issues and I’m unsure how to solve it.


I am seeing this exact same thing some of the time. My link shows sometimes for some users and ‘get updates’ shows for others. It seems random though I  know it probably isn’t. I have no idea how to fix it.  It is unreliable and looks bad to my community. I read a previous post that updating to pro would help but I’m brand new to this and don’t need pro. Hope there is another solution!

I’m having the same issue! Wonder if it’s just a temporary thing, it worked for me previously with the same automation.

Hi guys. The only way to view the link is through the mobile app; on desktop, it appears as 'GET UPDATES.' The screenshot is from Instagram via desktop, correct?

Is there a solution to this yet.  A fundamental flaw it looks like to me.

I was so super excited about ManyChat, however, this is not going to work for me.
😥 surely it needs to work cross platform?
Is there any solution? 

This is happening to me now on my end. Not ones that I send but ones that I am receiving. Was there ever a fix to this? Does this app ever help out with technical issues? I feel like it’s just a black hole out here.
